Training and Management Mentoring
One-to-one coaching and mentoring – either within the organisational environment or in private – is a proven method for helping people identify and negotiate the performance obstacles that stand between them and further success.

As you would expect of someone who has written extensively on the subject, Michael Heath brings considerable expertise to any mentoring interaction, and has helped many of his clients achieve real success in a variety of challenging situations.
Any mentoring that he undertakes for a client will always have clearly defined levels of confidentiality agreed with the various parties; he knows that this ensures an open and rewarding experience for the mentee and helps secure a deeper commitment to making real and profound change within their working or personal life.
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Training and Management Services
Face-to-Face Workshops
Take a look at some of the great workshops that we can deliver in your organisation. We don’t list every workshop we deliver so call us if you can’t see what you’re looking for.
Sometimes a development need is more personal and a series of 1-1 mentoring and coaching sessions is the ideal choice. From difficult situations through to making the right career decision – we can provide the professional expertise and support you need.
Online Courses
If attending one of our ‘in house’ workshops isn’t an option for you, then why not take one of our new range of online eLearning courses? We’re adding new workshops all the time!