Course: An Introduction to Benchmarking

Scheduled course outline

Duration 1 Day

"If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

Who should attend

The course is aimed at all managers who are considering benchmarking or who have already embarked on a benchmarking programme.

The method

Using informal presentation and group discussion, delegates are introduced to the principles of benchmarking in the first part of the workshop, before incorporating – in a practical way - these principles as part of their own benchmarking exercise.

Business scenario

In the competitive business world, a key management tool that has been eagerly adopted is that of Benchmarking. Even though many managers refer to Benchmarking phraseology (e.g. ‘Best practice’, ‘continuous improvement’, etc.) there are those who do not yet fully grasp the wider principles that must be in place if the exercise is to meet with the desired results.

The purpose

To provide delegates with sufficient underpinning knowledge and understanding to enable them to map out a detailed approach to undertaking a full and meaningful benchmarking project.

The programme includes:

What exactly is benchmarking? Its origins and meaning Linking benchmarking to business strategy Developing your own benchmarking strategy Identifying Critical Success Factors Identifying the four principal benchmarking methods Establishing the link between performance management and benchmarking Choosing the right benchmarking partners: pitfalls to be aware of! Adopting your own benchmarking approach and planning its implementation

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