Course: Selecting Successful People

Scheduled course outline

Duration 1 Day

“First rate people hire first rate people; second rate people hire third rate people”

Who Should Attend

All Team Leaders / Supervisors / Managers with responsibility for the selection and interviewing of staff.

The approach

Through group exercises and informal discussions, video and role-plays, delegates initially explore the principles of recruitment before assessing their own skills in situations which replicate the interviewing process.

Business scenario

It has been calculated that a wrong recruitment decision can cost a company up to twice an employee’s annual salary. Yet managers still put blind faith in ‘gut feeling’ and ‘I know when I see them…’ Good recruitment decisions are the outcome of basic skills applied with unwavering professionalism.

The purpose

To furnish managers and other recruiters with the behavioural skills and supporting legal awareness to ensure superior selection decisions.

The programme includes:

· The documentation that must be completed before selection of candidates for interview can take place

· The law related to the intetrviewing process

· The purpose of a Job Description and its crucial role in the recruitment process

· How to identify essential and desirable recruitment criteria

· Constructing a question list that will test candidates’ suitability

· The principles of an Assessment Centre and their use in certain selection scenarios

· How to identify the key elements of a candidate’s CV

· The ‘Halo and Horns’ effect and measures that avoid it

· How to design an interview agenda

· How to develop a structured interviewing approach using four key question types

· Completing the necessary correspondence to applicants

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